Projects 2010

Computer tool for analyzing the effect of outages of various lines on the power flow between Slovenia and Italy

Client: ELES, d.o.o.

The goal of the project is to build a computer program that prepares proper input files for the day-ahead state of the network and with the application of NEPLAN execute a N-1 analysis for each hour of the up-coming day. According to the various tap-settings of phase-shifting transformer in Divaca the program extract the most severe outages and present them numerically on the screen.


2010-3Foundations for the operation manual of phase-shifting transformer switching manoeuvres in substation Divača

Client: ELES, d.o.o.

Phase-shifting transformer in substation Divača is a device, whose operation impact can be detected all over ENTSO-E network. Performed switching manoeuvres can therefore evoke large changes in system operation and at the same time significant transients. This is why the goal of the project was to systematically analyse loading of both parallel transformer units during several manoeuvres. As a result, a recommendations for the transmission system operator are listed as to how switching manoeuvres should be performed in order to keep transformer windings within allowable limits.

2010-5Strategic role of a nuclear energy compared to other energy sources

Client: Ministry of economic development of Republic of Slovenia
Note: project carried on common department level

LPEE took a part in the project covering the field of transient stability analysis of the second unit of a nuclear power plant Krško. Two different sizes of units were considered: smaller unit with a nominal apparent power of 1314 MVA and a larger unit of 1918 MVA. Next, impact torque values were investigated for several switching manoeuvres in Slovenian power system. Also, impact of a unit to both local as well as inter-area oscillations was examined.